Saturday, January 4, 2014

Doctor Who Specials

Ok... this blog is well overdue since I went to see the Doctor Who 50th Special on the 23rd of November just got so late after seeing it so I decided to do a blog about it and the Christmas Special episode all in one...where we said goodbye to the beloved Matt Smith *tears.*
First of all I went to see the 50th Anniversary Special with my two whovian friends Sally and Deirdre! We saw it in the lighthouse cinema in Smithfield, Dublin and all I can say is that this cinema is the coolest cinema I've ever been in! It was so nicely designed and lighted that I didn't even think it was a cinema at first!
We sat in the back row with our 3D glasses at the ready with a couple of Sally's friends and when the lights went down and the screen came on the whole cinema cheered in excitement and anticipation! I was ready to squeel like a little fangirl! :3 Luckily sally's friend Ciaran did that throughout the episode for me! :D

I'm not gonna say much about the episode itself because I don't want to spoil anything but in that one moment when they showed the past doctors and then a quick appearance from Peter Capaldi....the whole cinema cheered and clapped! It was just fantastic! :D Not to mention there was just so many people dressed up in Doctor Who inspired outfits! I just loved every minute of it. Seeing Tennent and Smith working together side by side as the Doctor was the little fangirl inside me's dream! And it came true! <3
There was also a surprise guest ending which just...blew my mind!
The whole experience made me so excited for the Christmas Special while at the same time....dreading it... I was so not ready to say goodbye to Matt Smith...
On Christmas day I didn't get a chance to watch the episode when it was aired and downloaded it impatiently that night after everyone had gone to bed. It took a long time to download as it seems a lot of people had the same idea as me...

Eventually it finished downloading and I got comfy in bed with a cup of tea and began the emotional journey....I have to say I loved every minute of the episode. I dont have a bad word to say about it!
It made me laugh and cry at all the right times and I thought it was an awesome finally for Matt Smith with another surprise cameo appearance at the end really got me....tears flooding D:
The way Capaldi came in was fantastic which made me laugh slightly causing me to choke from my tears seconds before. His final line of the episode....was just brilliant!
I really cant wait to see more from Capaldi! I was nervous at first but I think this episode has put my mind at ease! There hasnt been an official release date for the new season but all i can say is...BRING ON AUTUMN 2014!!!



Deirdre, Me and Sally waiting for the 50th Special to start!
So much fun was had! Not many picture were taken 

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